Hello! 👋🏻👨‍💻 I’m Pablo, a software developer in Spain. I code and try to sum it up here. Welcome to the printf of my thoughts! 🚀

Latest Posts

Positioning my name in the SERPs

Add iCloud+ Custom Email Account to Thunderbird

Redirecting an Apex Domain to www on Azure Static Web App

Migrating My Website to Azure

DNS over HTTPS on OpenWRT

About me

I have been fascinated by technology since childhood when I began building my own gaming PCs.

In 2009, I began developing software and created a few automated bots for web scraping. Ive been an active software developer since then, I have worked on a variety of companies and startups in different projects spanning the entire software stack, from backend to frontend. Along the way, I have gained expertise in networks and operating systems. I enjoy all aspects of software development.

Made by Pablo Garcia Ortega